Helping great brands a classify o level of sustainability e develop o ESG at company e at chain of chain.
To prosper, each company will have to deliver not only financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.
- Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, one of the great ESG milestones

End-to-end commitment
On the one hand, in order to follow global sustainability guidelines, attract investment funds investment funds and mitigate risks, large companies need to invest in sustainable practices and ensure the management of their supply chain.
On the other, to win more profitable business, suppliers need to adopt ESG best practices.
At Sustainable Business, we believe that a solid commitment to ESG is the key to a more sustainable future for all parties involved.
Value Chain
by Sustainable Business
Our Solutions
Classify and encourage ESG development in your supply chain.
Through a digital platform, we help companies rate the sustainability level of each of their suppliers, generating an evidenced rating against the main ESG criteria.
To do this, we have a team of professionals in Auditing, Consulting, Risk Advisory, ESG Performance, Procurement, Value Chain, and specialists from various industry segments.
Our methodology is based on international standards and assesses the dimensions of suppliers in: E (Environmental) with carbon token included; S (Social); G (Governance) and Value Chain.
Stages of the Value Chain
1. Evaluation and auditing
- We collect evidence and audit all ESG requirements of the suppliers involved.
- Each supplier goes through a trail of knowledge of the sustainability criteria with explanatory videos, reference materials for download, and guidance for better understanding of the themes, according to their maturity.
- All this online. And during the entire process, each supplier has a consultant at their disposal for unlimited interactions.
- At the end of this step, each supplier receives a rating and an individual action plan.
2. Action plan (corrective actions)
- Based on the results obtained in the Evaluation and Auditing stage, an Individual Action Plan is set up to remedy the gaps found.
- The supplier receives its continuous improvement plan focused on its business and has a sustainability consultant available to assist in the fulfillment of this plan.
- Through the management dashboard, your company can also track the evolution of all suppliers.
Project timeline
The managers, together with our consultants, follow the whole process, having a panoramic view through the workflow chart, which facilitates the understanding and predictability of the steps.
Preparationof the Environment
Preparationof the Environment
(Initial Audit)
Deadline forSubmission ofDocuments
ResultVendor + IndividualIndividual Action Plan
Use SB Solution® consultingor the realization of the plan from the supplier
Deadline forSubmission of newDocuments
ResultVendor + IndividualIndividual Action Plan
Get to know SB Value Chain®
Are the suppliers your company works with in line with ESG requirements?
Sustainable Business® is the best choice
for those who seek assertiveness and results with expertise, method and technology.
SB for Enterprise
by Sustainable Business
Our Solutions
Make sure that your organization is aligned with ESG criteria.
Solution for companies that want to implement ESG in order to mitigate risks and raise their sustainability ratings.
A journey to be in alignment with global sustainability standards in a way that not only adds commercial value to your business, but also brings real, positive sustainable impact across your entire management.
1.Diagnosis and Classification
The ESG Due Diligence evidenced is applied to assess your company's current ESG rates.
Transformation consulting for adapting processes, plans, policies, controls, and procedures, ensuring ESG compliance.
External audit process, performed by an independent certifying body.
Sustainable Business®
About Sustainable Business®
The world market wants companies that are responsible and committed to the present and the future of humanity.
Demonstrate your commitment to SB Sustainable Business
and be recognized as a sustainable company.
About Us
SB Sustainable Business is an ESG consultancy focused on auditing the value chain of large companies.
It brings as a great differential the continuous improvement, helping the supplier in the whole process.
- We grade the level of sustainability on the main ESG criteria.
- We develop customized individual plans.
Qualities that make a difference for your company and for our world
Knowledge transfer
Education track on the trajectory of transformation on the main sustainability issues.
Personalized Experience
Process defined by company maturity.
Customization of questions and evidence to be collected.
LIVE Interaction
Consultant with unlimited live interaction for questions.
More than a platform
One-on-one consulting throughout the entire journey.
Sustainable Business®
This is what happens when results speak for us

Luiz Piccinin
President of Áster Machines
"SB's consulting was fundamental in Áster's journey to evolve in ESG pillars, as well as to prioritize the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs. With SB's guidance, we created and revised policies of action, determined stakeholders and their possible impacts on ESG pillars and improved our internal processes."

Iara Nunes
Director Director
"Guided by SDG 13, the action against global climate change, and in partnership with SB Solutions, Áster has committed to organize its greenhouse gas emission system, monitoring and creating actions to reduce its emissions, acting internally and signing partnerships with customers and suppliers."

Bianca Daminato
Analyst of Analyst Operations Analyst e Commodities Analyst of Basf
"SB Solutions helped us to adopt a pilot project with some customers for our value chain. Basf's idea was to raise interest for a subject that is already part of our present, and can still make a lot of difference for the longevity of the business. With its online platform, easy to access and very rich content related to the topic, SB Solutions provided a detailed analysis of ESG risks and opportunities and gave us the direction for the path we should follow. Our experience with the company was extremely positive."
Learn a little about what we have already done to transform the world
These are just some of the projects that Sustainable Business® has
over the past few years. Click, see all the details and let's work together for excellence and results.
Stay Informed
SB Notes
SB Notes is an area where Sustainable Business shares sustainability and ESG trends for your company and your suppliers in a quick and practical way through papers.
Classification and suitability for ESG
Count on Sustainable Business innovation to classify and develop your supply chain on ESG indicators.
Talk to Us
Demonstrate your commitment, contact Sustainable Business
contact Sustainable Business and be recognized as a
sustainable company.
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R. Aureliano Guimarães, 172 - CJ 16
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