The whole world is feeling it. Rising temperatures, extending droughts, overwhelming floods and droughts. Suffocated by pollution or the collapse of communities, we all suffer, socially and economically.
Mitigating such impacts is a matter for leaders around the globe. The latest Commission on Sustainable Development and Business Report, signed by 35 executives and leaders, states that the next decade will offer great opportunities in key markets for companies willing to address social and environmental challenges. The document points out that sustainable business can generate $12 trillion and repair the global economic system.
Executives define that we cannot advocate a lazy return to the old model that has been so rejected. The solution?
Business leaders need to move in new directions to embrace more sustainable and inclusive economic models, welcoming a low-carbon, environmentally sustainable, for-profit economy.
Transforming the world depends on the combined efforts of government, civil society and business. It all starts by taking the UN's Global Goals for Sustainable Development as the basis for every business's action plan. The Commission argues that companies that adopt an ESG plan today will be able to outperform competitors stuck in yesterday's economic game. This will require acts of real leadership and defined steps:
1) Build support for the right growth strategy. The more business leaders commit to global goals, the faster progress will come.
2) Incorporate the global goals into the company's strategy, aiming for strategic planning and innovation in sustainable solutions; marketing products and services that inspire consumers in sustainable choices.
3) Drive transformation to sustainable markets with your industry peers. Shifting entire sectors and supply chains to a sustainable basis, aligned with the global goals, will create much greater business opportunities. For example, an agricultural system in line with the Global Goals would provide nutritious, affordable food for a growing world population, and higher incomes for 1.5 billion smallholders on the planet. It would also help restore forests, protect vital ecosystems. This would create an economic value of more than $2 trillion by 2030 and resilience to climate risks.
4) Paying for human and natural resources. Pricing carbon and water is becoming increasingly urgent to address Climate Change.
5) Boost a financial system geared toward long-term sustainability. Achieving global goals will require an estimated $2.4 trillion per year of investment for infrastructure and other projects. Business leaders can regain society's trust by working with governments, consumers, workers, and civil society to achieve sustainable goals.
Achieving the Global Goals will create 380 million new jobs by 2030 and transform lives. Technology has the potential to make the economy more sustainable for everyone, but only if there is a continuous dialogue between innovators and society. SB exists to make that dialogue and all transformation possible. So that no one is left behind.
SB SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS is an ESG Tech. Today recognized as the only automated, data-driven solution for external risk monitoring and materiality analysis to serve your company and your supply chain.
With ESG DATA INTELLIGENCE, we capture data that becomes information for decision making as well as monitoring for the financial market with audited evidence.
We have a team of professionals that encompasses the areas of Auditing, Consulting, Risk Advisory, ESG Performance Procurement, Value Chain and specialists from various industries and sectors with extensive experience and business knowledge!